Festive Season Safety Tips

Nothing says ‘Festive Season’ like relaxation and unwinding from the year that has been. While it’s ideal to be laid back and enjoy the Christmas period, you shouldn’t be laid back about your home security.

Thieves are opportunistic and just because you’re taking a holiday, doesn’t mean they are too.

If you don’t want your home to be a target for thieves over the Christmas period here are some basic safety tips to keep the Christmas season festive and safe.

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Lock your doors and windows

Obvious right? Well, actually not so much. Summer Christmas means rising temperatures and the temptation to leave doors and windows open to let in a cool breeze is one that many succumb to. But it’s also a big ‘Open Door’ (pun intended) for anyone looking to take your Christmas haul for themselves.

Keep your doors and windows locked!

Don’t put your gift wrapping on show for all to see.

New presents are part and parcel (and the puns keep coming) of the Christmas season.  The aftermath of opening dozens of christmas presents, is the truck load of gift wrapping and boxes left over. While it may seem like the easiest option to just throw these in your bin, take a minute to put them in a garbage bag, or better yet, make a quick trip to your local tipping station. Gift wrap and boxes jammed into your bin can potentially be a flashing sign for anyone walking past your home on what has been received on Christmas morning.


Think twice before you tweet or post

Don’t be too quick to post your holiday shenanigans to social media. Shots of you and your loved ones out and about during the holiday season is one of the fastest ways to tip off a wanna be thief that your house is unattended.

If you are heading away during the Christmas period, there are a few things you can do to add a level of protection to your home:

  • Create a lived in look

  • Get a house-sitter

  • Put a hold on your mail


A blog about keeping your house safe over the Christmas period wouldn’t be complete without a reminder about safety around Christmas trees and Christmas lights. While they are beautiful and synonymous with the Festive Season, they can be a fire hazard if not looked after properly. Some things to consider with your tree and lights:

  • Make sure your lights have the correct rating

  • Follow the manufacturers directions and safety precautions

  • Use interior and exterior lights as directed

  • Check the wiring on your lights for wear and tear.

  • Use the correct voltage for the lights

  • Don’t overload powerboards by connecting too many lights

  • Make sure powerboards are not exposed to the weather unless made to be.

  • Don’t cover Christmas lighting or try to modify it

  • If a bulb blows, replace it quickly.

Wishing you all a very merry and safe Christmas, and see you all again in the new year!