Top Tips For Securing Your Next Rental Property

How many times have you sacrificed Saturday after Saturday to attend inspection after inspection just to be followed by fifty other people doing exactly the same thing!

Depending on where you and live and what your budget is, the rental market can be pretty brutal. So we’ve put together our top tips to help you secure your next rental property.

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Rental Application

Real Estate Agents should provide you with a list of documentation that you need to bring or provide with your application but it can’t hurt to be over prepared.

In most instances along with a completed application form, you will need to include references, pay slips or proof of employment, photo ID and a cover letter. Make sure you have all of these documents copied and ready to submit to the agent because they aren’t going to wait around whilst you get all your paperwork together or submit further documents hours or days later.

Be prepared, have everything copied, certified if necessary, and organised into a folder ready to submit to the agent or their office on the day. Or better yet if the Real Estate offers an online application form jump on the web and hit submit!

Can You Afford It?

Property Managers generally favour applicants who have been stably employed in the one job for at least two years. For those who are self or unemployed you should provide details of your accountant, a bank statement showing savings or references from a past employer.

For those who are out of work, an explanation as to why would help. You could be between contracts or jobs, recently sold a business and taking some time off or moving interstate, be sure to explain this in a cover letter.

Also, ensure you’re applying for properties within your financial reach. Property Managers look for tenants whose rental payments won’t exceed more than 35% of their income.


Be On Time

This is a general courtesy rule but one that is applicable to all professions. Holding an open house is quite stressful and usually, agents work solo in circumstances like this, so they’re very busy on the day, often with back-to-back, 15 minute opens so time is crucial.

If you’re ready and waiting when they arrive they might remember when the time comes to choosing the right tenant.

Be Presentable

You don’t have to wear a suit and tie but it goes without saying that it’s important to look presentable. It shows you’re keen to secure the property and that you’re taking the application process seriously.

If you show up looking like you mean business, you could increase your chances of success.

Follow Up

If you’ve submitted an application and you haven’t heard anything 48 hours later, do send a follow up to the agent.

Let them know you’re very interested in the property and that you’re happy to provide any additional information or references they might need.

They may well be trying to decide between your application and another candidate and if they receive a pleasant message from you, it might just put you at the top of their list.